Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 13 Readings and Muddiest Point

No Place to Hide: I am pleasantly surprised to see that such a group exists. I often wonder exactly how mch of my personal information is visible to "the powers that be". Due to all the activities I pursue that require personal information, i am sure that there are extensive records of everything I do. It is clear to me that, under conditions such as those instated by the patriot act, my privacy has been weighed against national security interests. This website furthers the beliefs articulated by "no place to hide". It seems as though everyone feels safer under such restrictions. I have, however, been asking myself how often someone is falsely accused of terrorist or other harmful activities. Is there any way to document an accuracy rate?

Youtube video: Unable to access due to copyright restrictions.

Muddiest Point:

Of late, I have understood the content of our classes completely. Accordingly, I have used my "muddiest point" as an opportunity to ask topical questions. i am wondering if there is an "anti-weblog" movement in the library community. IS there a group of librarians strongly opposed to their use? This is interesting to me because I cannot se any visible "cons".

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